Wednesday, December 8, 2010

State Department Issues RFI

On December 1, 2010, the State Department’s Office of Medical Services (MED) released an RFI looking for businesses that can offer a COTS Ambulatory EHR System to be deployed worldwide to health units at embassies and consulates. The Request for Information (RFI) will be used for planning purposes only and a contract will not be awarded from this notice.

MED is centrally staffed in Washington D.C and has physicians, foreign service health practitioners, nurses and medical technologists providing medical care and support to over 50,000 Foreign Service plus other government personnel and their families overseas.

In addition to providing primary medical care, MED provides mental healthcare, coordinates local medical care, medical evacuations, and medical clearance assessments. This is accomplished with185 direct hire clinicians including MDs, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants.

In addition to the overseas health units located in 170 countries varying in size and capabilities, MED is also responsible for small domestic Travel Health and Immunization Clinics staffed by civil service RNs with oversight from regional medical officers. The clinics provide immunizations plus limited occupational healthcare in Washington D.C.

The responses to this RFI (Solicitation Number: SAQMMA 11-1-0001) should not exceed 10 pages and is due by December 30, 2010. For more information, go to or contact William L Ziater, Contracting Officer at (703) 875-6285, email or contact Renee M. Hill at (703) 875-6747, email