The state of Delaware is looking for vendors to implement the “HIV Prevention Data Collection and Reporting System”. The state issued RFP (HSS 10 085) to find vendors capable of replacing the “Prevention Evaluation and Monitoring System” (PEMS) now in use.
CDC-PEMS developed by CDC is maintained on CDC servers and accessed via the internet. The system has been semi-functional from its launch several years ago and is incapable of collecting or reporting the data needed to evaluate program performance relative to CDC’s mandated performance measures.
Delaware, as well as many jurisdictions across the nation have experienced data losses, difficulty in data entry, and lack of a reliable mechanism for extracting meaningful data from the system once it is entered. Use of CDC-PEMS does not permit reasonable program monitoring and requires excessive staff time to maintain.
Additionally, Delaware implemented a customized scanning system for the collection of HIV testing data from the provider’s completed scanned forms. While the software and forms performed as designed, the amount of time needed to correct user errors in completing the forms has become excessive and cost prohibitive.
The purpose of this RFP is to implement a data collection and reporting system that is:
• Compliant with CDC HIV Prevention Program Grant requirements
• Effectively adaptable to frequently changing grant requirements
• Capable of reasonable customization to suit local specifics and variations in program design and implementation
• Capable of producing the reports required by CDC for the interim plus annual progress reports
• Able to manage regular transmission of data to CDC-PEMS
• Able to eliminate the scanning of HIV Testing reporting forms and incorporates all data entry via secure web access
The due date for the RFP is August 9, 2010. Preference will be given to vendors who have already successfully implemented systems in other states and jurisdictions and/or have proposed solutions previously to DHSS. Preference will also be given to vendors that have experience training users and can provide on-going technical support.
For more information, contact Bruce Krug at (302) 255-9290.