Wednesday, June 22, 2011

CAPF Funding Grants

The University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health announced the availability of “Community-Academic Partnership Fund” (CAPF) grants. These grants are made available through the Wisconsin Partnership Program to provide funding to Wisconsin community-based organizations to improve the health of the public through a competitive Request for Partnerships.

Funds totaling $2.5 million will be made available for prevention and wellness projects to promote Wisconsin’s health plan “Healthiest Wisconsin 2020” during the 2011 funding cycle. Through CAPF, the Wisconsin Partnership Program is supporting efforts by state community-based organizations and government agencies to work together with an academic partner to improve the health of residents in the state.

There are two types of grants available:

• Implementation Grants have up to $400,000 for three year projects that either employ or test evidence-based health interventions
• Development Grants have up to $50,000 for two years to develop new partnerships, demonstrations or pilot projects, or smaller implementation projects

Funding priorities will be somewhat limited to programs that are aimed at eliminating health disparities, address the needs of rural and urban underserved, and programs targeting healthy weight, physical activity, and good nutrition.

So far in previous funding cycles, 100 grants have been awarded totaling $24 million to community organizations. For example in 2010, The Wisconsin Primary Health Care Association worked with the UW Madison School of Human Ecology to develop additional FQHC sites in Wisconsin to help provide access to healthcare in rural and underserved populations.

Full proposals are tentatively scheduled to be submitted in mid to late August. For more information, email Mary Jo Knobloch at