Saturday, January 26, 2008

Grant Opportunity Requires EMRs

CDC is planning to provide grant funding to help pregnant women affected by Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) in a clinical setting. The grant opportunity announcement is expected to be posted on February 6, 2008 on The estimated annual award will be $344,318 and there will be four awards.

The first step for potential grant applicants will be to identify alcohol-exposed pregnant high risk childbearing aged women that receive ambulatory women’s healthcare at a public or private managed care facility. However, this managed care facility must be one that employs electronic medical records systems for recording and tracking patient visits and services. Applicants need to be able to provide a plan on how they will integrate the screening interventions and the information on follow-up for the participants into the existing electronic medical record system.

The application deadline is expected to be April 6, 2008, and the award date is expected to be June 19, 2008.