The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) on February 15th issued a Request for Applications to support the continued development of the “NIDDK Consortium Interconnectivity Network Coordinating Unit” (dkCOIN-CU).
The expansion of the dkCOIN-CU to be awarded through this announcement will help to create and expand a user friendly web interface to seamlessly integrate information, resources, and data held by a number of NIDDK related research groups.
Other goals for the program are to move towards cloud computing, implement tools to foster mining of information, provide links to relevant data sources from the broader research community, and to develop and hold workshops and other collaborative activities.
Eligible applicants can include higher education institutions, non-profits, for profits, state and county governments, plus other entities are invited to apply.
The application is due by April 15, 2011. NIDDK plans to award $600,000 in FY 2012 with one award. For more information, call (301) 435-0714, email, or go to