The Missouri Health Connection (MHC), at, the state’s designated entity to implement Missouri’s health information network, and the Illinois Health Information Exchange (ILHIE) are now exchanging Direct secure messages across state lines. By connecting Missouri’s system with the Illinois Direct Secured Messaging Health Information Service Providers (HISP), providers can now send an easy, quick, and secure Direct message.
MHC also announced that it was awarded a $230,000 grant from the Missouri Foundation for Health, a philanthropic organization to fund educational and outreach efforts related to Missouri’s statewide health information network.
The funding will be used to help MHC educate and encourage both consumers and healthcare providers on MHC services and benefits. The funding will provide for training for healthcare system personnel and consumer advocates. Educational materials and strategies will be developed with the input of MHC participating organizations to include the MHC Consumer Advisory Council, Missouri Health Literacy, and other stakeholders.
“This grant will help MHC empower Missourians to take a more active role in their own healthcare”, said Mary Kasal, MHC President & CEO. “We’re very grateful to the Missouri Foundation for Health for their support of this project and our mission to improve patient health through the statewide health information network.”
In another state, the North Arkansas Regional Medical Center (NARMC) a 174 bed hospital is the first to launch the State Health Alliance for Records Exchange (SHARE) at to extend the exchange of electronic patient health information to providers throughout the state.
The statewide exchange of health information will become increasingly efficient as more Arkansas healthcare providers implement SHARE in the near future. Many more Arkansas healthcare organizations will be connecting to SHARE in 2013 with the University of Arkansas’ School of Medicine to begin to transfer clinical data into SHARE by February.